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Week 7 Reflection

I was going to create an audio file for my post, but it is not being very kind. I will try to post it again in a different format.

How has your definition of curriculum been shaped by the course readings and discussions? How and why has your definition of curriculum changed?

Wow, this course is definitely one of the most beneficial courses in the program. Not the others were not, but this really allowed me to begin understanding and evaluating current issues with what is expected in the W, T and T curricula. During the course, I began to understand more about the critical need for aligning the w,t,t curriculum. I never really knew that there were three definitive areas. Once I grasped that knowledge, I began to understand that there are many misalignments within school and state level curriculum frameworks. This has not only helped me in my role at CASA in helping to develop a school curriculum framework, but also the need for the district where I sit as a school board member. I have even begun helping with their mapping and curriculum development. Teachers are now posting their curriculum maps on this district wiki.

As a young teacher, I was often handed a curriculum guide and said here you go, now figure out how to cover the standards. There was very little in how to teach, just what to teach. Today, I understand that the written should also include how it is taught. It is vital for teachers to begin understanding the HOW as well as the WHAT in curriculum. Without best practice models, we will never reach the children.

Today, I continue to see the real need for a truly embedded technology approach while building curriculum. It can not continue to be the extra. To me it is the learning essential within the other core essentials. I will continue to train share and talk to whoever will listen to the need for school leaders to build collaborative innovative curriculum that allows our children to be critical creative innovative thinkers and doers, NOT TEST TAKERS!

This is an exciting time in education. We can be the change agents that drive local, state and national education reform. We just have to keep saying and doing it until they listen, understand and do something to build 21st Century learning experiences for all of our children.


Curriculum Development

# As a school administrator and instructional leader, what instructional technology would you expect to see in the written, taught, and tested curriculum of a school or school district striving to meet the needs of 21st century learners?

As a school administrator, I will continue to be an advocate of Web 2.0 resources in education and a proponent of a fully integrated curriculum. It is critical that we create a 21st Century curriculum standards that are fully infused with technology resources and skills. Today's instructional practices and learning opportunities must reflect the times that we are living. We can not continue to practice the 20th Century methodologies with 21st Century students and desired learning outcomes. What are we doing to prepare our students for 2020? This is a question that I continue to ask myself and others in education. How are we going to get children ready for a global workforce that currently does not exist? We need to be visionary leaders who strive to design, develop, implement and evaluate the most up-to-date and sound pedagogical strategies for today's students. Instruction must be meaningful and current. The written, taught and tested curriculum must be aligned to standards and be connected at every level. If curriculum is not written or taught, how can it be tested. If written and taught yet not tested, we perpetuate a culture that creates instructional programs that have no validity in student growth and achievement. Valuable information must be gathered through reliable and valid means of assessment in order to assist in driving data based instructional decisions.

# What instructional technology would you promote to differentiate instruction for all learners? Consider some of the Web 2.0 tools discussed in Week 3 and some of the tools/ applications suggested in the UDL discussion.

Learning should be thought of as an evolving necessity for rich academic growth and achievement. Status quo in education just won't due! I will continue to promote Web 2.0 resources as well as various hardware in student learning experiences as well as teacher professional development. I have spent much time in assisting others with the integration of Web 2.0 tools into instructional practices. My wiki contains many resources and quick suggestions for integration. It really more like a hobby and fascination for me. I get so excited when I see a light bulb go off in the teachers that I work with. Simply because I know that they will share the tools and strategies with students. I have shared tools for collaborative activities during instructional practices. Please visit my wiki to get a glimpse of what I truly enjoy doing to assist with teachers, administrators and other education enthusiasts. Web 2.0 Guru My resources are listed on the resource page and my strategies can be found on my Best Practice 2.0 Some of my favorite most effective tools are, this helps for instant collaboration in small groups or from classroom to classroom. I also love for web page development and commenting tools. Feedback can be gathered before, during and after instruction. This tool is great for formative assessment. Place your comment below. A real world example.

I believe that we need to find out how our students learn in order to provide learning experiences that meet them where they are. I have used learning profile inventories to gain insight into how students prefer learning. It is also imperative to know the readiness and interest levels of students. These steps will provide us with valuable information when designing instruction that works. I have created and used DI lesson/activity templates to assist teachers with designing strategies that work.


Twitter Venn

Twitter Venn

A great way to show relationships and current trends all in one location. You have to check this out. Twitter is not just about following a posting information about personal information. It's also about posting and sharing the latest information being mentioned worldwide. One of my new faves!


Week 2 Reflection

What are your philosophical beliefs about the purpose of school, about what subjects should be taught, and about how students learn? How does your work demonstrate your belief?

The purpose of school is to educate and develop all children into well rounded young adults who are prepared to meet diverse life long challenges with the necessary knowledge and problem solving skills for ongoing personal growth and success. We must inspire a passion for learning and growth. We need to teach to the whole child not to the tests. Many of today's schools inadvertently limit the amount of student experiences in self expression, productivity and success. We are so focused on them passing the tests and meeting AYP that we tend to forget about the rest of the child. Of course reading, writing and arithmetic are important, but we need to make sure that we are also teaching our children how to be hard working, self directed learners with effective communication, collaboration and creativity skills. They need to acquire skills while using relevant 21st Century learning resources to get them prepared for their future. We will continue to fall behind other countries if we do not begin to place more focus on the skills necessary for 21st Century global competitiveness. We must retool our schools if we expect our futures to be bright.

Within most schools, subject matter is still taught in stand alone courses. A more integrated or multidisciplinary approach must begin in order for children to make relevant connections. For example STEM topics could be taught in combination so that students can make those relevant connections to overlapping content. I believe that it is every teacher's responsibility to teach effective reading/literacy skills. Simply because they may teach Science or Social Studies does not excuse teacher from being expected to teach Reading/Literacy skills. Studies show that we stop teaching reading at the elementary level, though a continuation of critical reading strategies and skills is necessary for students to continue academic progress and growth.

As a supporter of extracurricular courses, I believe that all schools should continue teaching the Arts and Phys. Ed./Health courses. We can not move away from those avenues of learning. We must support those learning opportunities since they may be the one place where so many of our students learn and succeed. Schools that look to eliminate these courses, will contribute to our short comings as a nation.

In today's classrooms we are still not focusing on the skills necessary for students to be fully capable in the 21st Century. I witness this first hand on a daily basis. Students know how to use digital tools for their own interests, but not very much for their personal learning experiences. Continuing to block web sites from our students does not offer them the opportunity to responsibly utilize many 21st Century tools for their own learning. I believe that it is our job to teach students about the web tools for productivity, research, communication and collaboration. We must teach children how to be responsible digital citizens. If they aren't ever given the opportunity to demonstrate ethical, safe and responsible online practices, how will children ever become morally sound digital citizens?

I believe that we over utilize standardized assessment results and test kids far too much. We need to use authentic means for progress monitoring. Simply knowing that a student is not proficient in a skill does only half of what we need. When will we focus on the "How"? How do children learn? What are their learning styles, where are their assets and learning weaknesses? If we teach the same way as we always have, we will never reach them. Students must learn how they learn best and then be supported with activities that support those learning styles. We need to reach the whole child when teaching. Learning experiences must be differentiated based on needs, readiness and styles, not solely on standardized learning outcomes.

Since working in a school for the arts, my philosophy in continually supported by the level of student engagement, learning experiences and success. Students are measured through various means, primarily through authentic demonstrations of their new skills. Students are expected to demonstrate learning through physical representations or their original works of art, dance routines, video and music productions, and theater reproductions. During my intern, I have begun to support these students with the integration of various technologies. The teachers and students have been introduced to online learning networks, eportfolios, online gradebooks and video recording opportunities. This has added a new dimension to their learning. Students are excited to be able to share with each other and their teachers within their new student learning portal. They were surprised when they heard that a new private school network was created just for them. Students have been utilizing the video camera and laptop to record their work and self evaluate their learning and demonstrations. I could not believe how excited they were to do this. They have never used these tools in class. I continue to share web tools that will enhance their learning and will begin working with staff and students to create online eportfolios. Students are excited to begin working on this culminating project as they create a true representation of themselves through their work.


Education Week: Scholars Test Emotion-Sensitive Tutoring Software

Education Week: Scholars Test Emotion-Sensitive Tutoring Software

Tutoring program the senses emotions. Wow, this is so revolutionary it's scary! I am anxious to see if this truly does come to fruition. Carnegie does it again. Check out their Cognitive Tutor tool. What is coming in 2020? Anyone want to predict the future of education?


Better teachers, the union way -

Better teachers, the union way -

A great way to help teachers move from good to great! Evolving takes support and time not punitive measures. Accountability yes, but only based on student standardized test scores, NO!