

Real Time Reading Collaboration

I just wanted to share this tool again since it is now working with another incredible Web 2.0 tool. If you go to the Project Gutenberg, you can find thousands of online texts for download. One of the best comprehensive databases of online text that I have ever seen. Once you download the desired books or text, you can open and create an account at BookGlutton and read them online with your friends. As you read you can chat and annotate together. Discuss parts of the text, read at your own pace, summarize together. Together, these two tools are so powerful. They not only allow students the opportunity to connect and share with others reading similar content, but collect and return to their content and annotations at any time. Think about the study groups that could be created with these tools. At BookGlutton you can also write and publish your own works. Imagine editing works together at any time. The learning and creating will go on after school hours. Truly amazing learning at its highest level.

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